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5 Resveratrol Rich Foods to Consume Daily

Combat aging, diabetes, and obesity with natural resveratrol sources to stay in the ‘pink of health.’ Here are the top 5 resveratrol-rich foods that you can indulge in!

Red wine. Don’t we all swear by its health benefits for one more glass of Merlot or Pinot Noir? But do you know what’s in it that contributes to good health? Resveratrol.

What is resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a natural plant compound that belongs to a class of antioxidants called Polyphenols. In plants, these form a protective mechanism against harmful UV radiation, stress, injury, or any kind of fungal infection. Although research and various studies have been limited to labs and trials, it is assumed that the same benefits may apply to an array of human health concerns, such as:

  • Skin aging

  • Cancer and chemotherapy side effects

  • Cardiovascular diseases

  • Memory loss and other brain and neurodegenerative diseases

  • Pain and inflammation

  • Diabetes, obesity, etc.

When it comes to consuming resveratrol, natural sources are always the simplest and safest forms that you can rely upon. 

Here are top resveratrol rich foods that taste good and provide the best of goodness – 

  • Red Grapes - Along with other nutrients such as vitamins K, B1, C, and magnesium and potassium minerals, resveratrol is primarily found in the skin of red grapes. Red wine has the highest levels of resveratrol as compared to rose wine and white wine. That is because the skin is soused for a longer period of time. Even red grape juice is concentrated with higher degrees of resveratrol, ranging between 1.14 and 8.69 milligrams per liter, or 0.17 to 1.30 milligrams per 5-ounce serving. Spanish red grapes are considered the richest source of resveratrol.

  • Peanuts - Rich in fiber, omega-3, vitamins, and other nutrients, a boiled cup of peanuts also provides as much resveratrol as a glass of red wine, containing up to 1.28 milligrams of resveratrol in its skin. Considered among the best sources of resveratrol, peanuts can be consumed through various products, such as peanut butter (that contains up to .13 mg resveratrol per cup), peanut flour, peanut oil, or even roasted peanuts. However, the boiled form retains the richest resveratrol content.

  • Dark Chocolate and Cocoa Powder - Now, don’t we have another good reason to indulge in the ‘dark’ temptations of chocolate? Products containing cocoa have high levels of resveratrol—0.185 mg per 100g, which is approximately half as is in the average Californian red wine, or even 1/10th of the concentration of Spanish red wine! Resveratrol blends well with other nutrients in cocoa such as protein, iron, magnesium, carbs, and fat, and can be consumed in various forms. But a piece of dark chocolate and a glass of red wine would surely be the tastiest! 

  • Berries - Among other dietary sources of resveratrol are the different kinds of berries—blueberries, strawberries, mulberries, cranberries, and likewise. These contain less resveratrol as compared to grapes, but they do have a significant amount of antioxidants that can make it to the list of foods high in resveratrol. Blueberries from Michigan and Bilberries from Poland are considered a good source, containing 140 picomoles per gram and 71 picomoles per gram, respectively. Consuming them raw is one of the best sources of resveratrol intake, as compared to heating or baking them. So, grab a bowl of these delicious berries for a healthy breakfast! 

  • Pistachios - Like peanuts, pistachios too, have a significant amount of resveratrol. The thin skin that encases the pistachio contains most of the resveratrol content. Capable of combating heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, these also contain vitamins A, B, E and K. So pistachios are highly recommended to be consumed on a regular basis for good health and great skin! Also, fun fact, pistachios are ‘not nuts’ guys; they are considered seeds that come from a family of nuts! So, grab a packet of pistachios on your next visit to the grocery store for some delicious resveratrol intake!

While the research remains on-going, resveratrol as a powerful antioxidant has shown great potential in improving human health. Thus, having red wine in moderation, along with a diet consisting of these foods, is the healthiest way of resveratrol intake. However, if you are looking to add supplements to your daily routine, a trusted physician or dietician should provide clear dosage guidance for the best results.

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